

For some time, I have been “missing”.

Missing from the mere existence that is me. Missing from everything that is going on around me.

Instead, I have been emersed in what pain comes next on what day.

Yes I have Fibromyalgia.

I got lost in the web of Dr’s recomendations of horrific drugs that were meant to help me. Only, they made my life worse, much worse.

In the past few months, I have not wanted to continue to wake up, let alone mere exist each day. I often thought about ending my life, as selfish as that was. That is the scary reality of what some prescribed drugs can do to you.

I finally pulled myself out of the rut, got off the Dr’s drugs that were meant to help with my mental and physical pain and decided to take natural alternatives.

No, I am not pain free, never will be. But, I now have a will to live, more energy and am grateful for what I have in my life everyday, even if it can be stressful.

So on this day, May 12, Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, I would like you to meet “Jack”, the best thing that has come into my life lately. He has helped me get through each day. Pet therapy, is amazing 🙂


I spend each day training this boy to be the best he can be. He also trains me, to get out of bed, to enjoy life, to be me  in some form, once again.


Now, I understand a little more.

It has taken many Dr’s visits to get to this point.

Go away, I’m not listening to your symptom’s, Get over it, there’s nothing more I can do for you. No, there’s nothing wrong your blood tests are all normal. Oh you have low iron, that’s it, go away.

NO! I said NO! Something else is wrong!

Everyday is painful. I gave up my job because, it was making the pain worse. It’s been a long time since I could get, “everything” done on my list of things to accomplish for the day.

Yesterday after much persistence and many blood tests, I finally got a diagnosis to explain the agonising pain that shoots through me on a daily basis.

I have Fibromyalgia .

I hadn’t even heard of this condition ever before, but wow, it’s so nice to have a reason why I feel the way I do.

So I would like to share this interesting article I came across this morning, about one of the coping strategies for the pain you suffer with this condition.

Pet Therapy

So glad I have my staffy’s by my side, always 🙂

I knew I owned this pair for a reason 🙂

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