Fob Off


Does anyone ever really care to hear about how you feel?
The burning pain that I wake up every morning with down my arms and legs.
The stiff back and muscles that feel like if you take one step you will fall through a crack in the floor straight through to the arms of a waiting devil.
Did I ask for all this at the tender age of 37? Hell no!
The so called friends I have lost in the last year because I have fallen sick with a chronic illness that has robbed me of my job and my social life.
Wish I still had them.
Or were they really the kind of friends to keep anyway?
I still wish I had my job. I miss looking after people. I miss being able to proudly say, I am a nurse.
The countless Doctors that don’t believe that you are in the amount of pain that you say.
How about you just fob off I think while looking at them.
Wish I could transfer my pain for 5 minutes to them so they can understand how I feel.
I bet they couldn’t live with it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I have made new friends. Friends that have the same thing I do. But even then, just sometimes, I don’t want to hear about the pain they are experiencing, because I have my own to deal with.
Yes, that may sound selfish. But say how you feel yes, and leave it at that. Short descriptions, don’t make someone else feel bad for having a better day then you.
What I would give for my old body back.
But with the people in my life I have now.
No one hits me anymore.
No one verbally abuses me anymore.
No one controls me anymore,
But my body does 😦
